Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Repurposing clothing

I saw a pin on pinterest that talked about doing this type of skirt from fabric.  I wanted to make one because we always have blue jeans that are able to be transformed.  But I also had a brown skirt that I liked very much but the waist was messed up and was too difficult for my knowledge of sewing to fix.  So I put them together!  My blue jeans were a little difficult because the reason I wasn't wearing them anymore was because they had a hole in the rear.  So I had to be careful in cutting the top off of them so that the hole didn't transfer over to the skirt!  It worked out so well that I started thinking about the girls' clothing.

We almost always have blue jeans that are too short but still fit around the waist.  We also almost always have a dress that the girls REALLY want to keep wearing even though they are way too short!  Typically they keep wearing the dress only with pants on underneath, like a long shirt.  But since I had this new super easy way of repurposing them we tried it out!  I told both of the girls to pick out a dress that didn't fit right and bring it to me.  Each skirt probably took 30-40 minutes.  Darby's took longer because after I cut the skirt off of the dress I had to regather the fabric.  Darby is crazy about hers!  Bryse said she didn't care for hers but since it was so comfortable she would keep wearing it. ; )  She wore it two days in a row and then was sad when I insisted on washing it.