Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why wear your baby??

Okay, so I wear my babies, and even my toddlers sometimes! But when they are little babies, it's a must for me. There is nothing I detest more then an infant carseat.

I developed this hatred when my second daughter, Bryse was a baby. Her feelings for the large plastic container were contagious evidently. Everytime I would put her in it to go somewhere she would lose it! I mean, horrible crying the entire trip. One of the biggest mistakes Robert and I have made in parenting was deciding to take a trip to Texas to see his family when Bryse was five weeks old, because none of them had seen her yet. It was a seven hour drive (that obviously took longer because we stopped so much to console her) and she spent an accumulative amount of 45 minutes NOT crying on the trip. It was horrible.

The last thing I would've ever done would've been to carry her around in the carseat. As soon as we got to our destination I yanked her out of the carseat as quickly as I could (I'm a huge rule girl, would never take my baby out of the carseat while driving down the road) and place her in the sling, mei tai, or just my arms. Where she would melt into me and stop crying. Even prior to my knowledge of "real" slings, I would use a snugli with my oldest (ACK! They are horrible!). She was more laid back, so I sometimes used the carseat as a carrier, but still didn't like doing it. It hurts! It's big and awkward! I can't wrap my mind around using it as often as some people use it! I've known some to carry their babies in carseats for as long as the first year!! My sweet babies are little for only so long! I want to snuggle them while they have that lovely baby smell!

Anyway, I thought I would share some pictures I found of people carrying carseats. Unfortunatly, the only ones I could find were of celebrities. Oh well, they still look awkward and uncomfortable carrying them.

This first picture is an advertisement for a strap you can use to attach the large awkward contraption to you!!! It has GOT to be a joke. My word.

And now, the wearing. Keeping your baby right up next to your body. Making life so much happier for baby and so much easier for you!!
This is my mom holding Bryse in one of the first mei tais I made. Bryse is asleep and Memaw is in heaven snuggling with her grandbaby! Now, if this was a carseat picture, the grandma would be sitting with a plastic container on the ground next to her. Baby out of her reach. : (

This here is Cal when he was a couple months old hanging out on me while I do stuff around the house.
There are so many great reasons to wear our babies! One of the main reasons for me, is that I don't want to lug around a huge carseat! Here is another list of reasons to wear your baby: and
And one of my favorite sites to direct new moms to: It compares all the different types of slings so that you can choose which will work best for you!

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